Friday, October 3, 2008

Class Presentations

I really enjoyed this week of class presentations. It gave me a chance to learn more about the people in my class.
One of my favorite presentations was about cheese cake, by Kit. I love food, more specifically dessert! Cooking sounded like something that Kit really likes to do, so she seemed very interested in her topic, which made me more interested as well. I will definitely be adding her chocolate chip cheesecake recipe to my box of recipes.
Another favorite presentation of mine was about Gatorade, by Jamie. Being a collegiate athlete I have been provided many performance enhancing techniques, but it all boils down to your nutrition. I kind of knew how Gatorade came about but I did not know about all the testing that has and is being done to prove its positive effects on athletes. Jamie would be a great spokesman for Gatorade!
Another favorite presentation of mine was about the importance of music in education by Danni. I love music and think that it has a huge impact on people. I think it is great that Danni emphasized actual Music Advocacy Projects that are going on to promote music in education today. It was easy to see that Danni loves music which made her presentation more motivating.

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